a family representation


Cecilia Orji
3 min readOct 30, 2021

When posed with the question of what matters most to me, the answer that readily comes to mind is “My Family”. Family is an institution that matters very much to me. I believe that your family can never put you away. Development in a society starts from the unit called family. Our world will become a better place if every family takes responsibility for the individuals that forms a part of it.

The support that a family gives cannot be underestimated. This support goes a long way in creating mental structures that motivates you to become whatever you want to be. This support also often translates to an undiluted believe in your capabilities, which gives is comforting to know that there are people who are ready to do the best to ensure your success.

Family according to the Britannica dictionary is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings. The family group should be distinguished from a household, which may include boarders and roomers sharing a common residence. It should also be differentiated from a kindred (which also concerns blood lines), because a kindred may be divided into several households. Frequently the family is not differentiated from the marriage pair, but the essence of the family group is the parent-child relationship, which may be absent from many marriage pairs. At its most basic, then, a family consists of an adult and his or her offspring.

A good family ensures the education of the children. With education and the right knowledge, the society can free itself from the pangs of poverty and embrace sustainable development for all. The parents in a family are the first leaders for the children. Right there in the family, you would see leadership playing out. Everyone is responsible for everyone and that is a trait that is needed to create the society of our dreams — a society where we all look out for each other without selfishness eroding the core of our being.

Family matters very much to me because I once lived in a slum where I could see how the girl child was vulnerable to the circumstances in the environment because the family could not live up to its responsibilities. Self-esteem was low and the future looked bleak for the many who had to depend on whatever life throws at them every day.

Somehow, my family ensured stability despite the toxic environment by enforcing believes that allowed me consider education as my only way out. My mother taught me the art of patience, contentment and hard work by not only exemplifying them but explaining why these qualities are imperative for a dignified life. I have gained firsthand experience and life skills from my family by helping my mother in her food business. These experiences make me realize that there is a lot we can achieve with a stable family system where we can help each other attain new heights with our individual powers.



Cecilia Orji
Cecilia Orji

Written by Cecilia Orji

A Golang developer | love programming as it helps to solve problems | hobbies : listening to radio, reading and a good Kdrama

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